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Carton Design

Carton Design refers to the process of conceptualizing, planning, and creating the structure and visual elements of a carton used for packaging. This includes aspects like size, shape, materials, color, typography, and graphics. A well-designed carton not only protects the product but also serves as a powerful marketing tool, capturing customer attention and conveying brand identity. It is a multidisciplinary field that brings together elements of structural engineering, graphic design, and marketing to create an effective and attractive packaging solution.

Contact Jacob White Packaging

Thank you for your interest in Jacob White Packaging, we will fully support your enquiry and will offer assistance in products, carton design and factory layout. With over 6,000 installations worldwide and experience in packaging most products, we would invite you to contact us with no obligation.

Jacob White Packaging Ltd,
Unit F
Riverside Industrial Estate,
Riverside Way,
Dartford, Kent,
United Kingdom.
Nearest Train Station: Dartford
Nearest Airport: Gatwick Airport
Company Registration No: 1003647
VAT Registration No: GB 714232667