Jacob White Success at Gulfood 2019

Jacob White is now back after our trip to Dubai, where we attended Gulfood Manufacturing 2019. We’re pleased to say we had a busy, interesting three days at the MEASA region’s biggest food and beverage processing and packaging industry event. It was great to catch up with existing and potential clients and talking with them about their operations.
Gulfood Manufacturing offers thousands of visitors a not-to-be-missed chance to network and mingle, with plenty of opportunities to discuss the latest challenges in the industry that affect it on a global scale. We were among the 1600 international, national and local exhibitors at the Dubai Trade Centre and found much to talk about with the visitors to our stand.
A busy, lively event for Jacob White
With five dedicated sectors this year, it was a busy, lively event over the three days. Jacob White welcomed visitors from all over the world and received positive interest in our renowned machines that support the drive to improve efficiency through automation.
The sub-conferences were well attended too this year and the hot topics included ingredients, manufacturing changes and the shift in consumer attitude towards these and other influences such as product origins, sustainability and packaging.
Automation still attracting interest
Frozen foods is one of the largest markets in the region and with regulatory conditions tight for both production and packaging, this places added pressure on the manufacturer. Automation of the production line is proving beneficial in this sector of the market; minimising human intervention and speeding up production and so interest is increasing.
More and more regional manufacturers and producers are looking to centralise their operations, and fewer are relying on third-party handlers for processing and packaging. This has been showing for a few years in the region and is demonstrated in the heightening interest over a wider area for semi- and fully automated production.
A last word from Jacob White
All-in-all, Jacob White had a successful visit to Gulfood Manufacturing 2019, showcasing our food packaging solutions. We truly enjoy attending and exhibiting, meeting and greeting our clients both existing and new. We find the time during these events to talk about practical ways our customers can overcome specific issues and it’s always a great opportunity to mingle with our peers and talk about the issues affecting our industry in general. Gulfood always feels like a must-attend event for us and we’re looking ahead to the next one.
We’d like to thank all who visited us at our stand this year. We appreciated your interest and feedback and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.